namespace Azure.ResourceManager.NetApp.Models
public static class ArmNetAppModelFactory
public static NetAppVolumeData NetAppVolumeData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary<string, string> tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ETag? etag = default, IEnumerable<string> zones = null, Guid? fileSystemId = default, string creationToken = null, NetAppFileServiceLevel? serviceLevel = default, long usageThreshold = 0L, IEnumerable<NetAppVolumeExportPolicyRule> exportRules = null, IEnumerable<string> protocolTypes = null, string provisioningState = null, string snapshotId = null, bool? deleteBaseSnapshot = default, string backupId = null, string baremetalTenantId = null, ResourceIdentifier subnetId = null, NetAppNetworkFeature? networkFeatures = default, NetAppNetworkFeature? effectiveNetworkFeatures = default, Guid? networkSiblingSetId = default, NetAppVolumeStorageToNetworkProximity? storageToNetworkProximity = default, IEnumerable<NetAppVolumeMountTarget> mountTargets = null, string volumeType = null, NetAppVolumeDataProtection dataProtection = null, bool? isRestoring = default, bool? isSnapshotDirectoryVisible = default, bool? isKerberosEnabled = default, NetAppVolumeSecurityStyle? securityStyle = default, bool? isSmbEncryptionEnabled = default, SmbAccessBasedEnumeration? smbAccessBasedEnumeration = default, SmbNonBrowsable? smbNonBrowsable = default, bool? isSmbContinuouslyAvailable = default, float? throughputMibps = default, float? actualThroughputMibps = default, NetAppEncryptionKeySource? encryptionKeySource = default, ResourceIdentifier keyVaultPrivateEndpointResourceId = null, bool? isLdapEnabled = default, bool? isCoolAccessEnabled = default, int? coolnessPeriod = default, CoolAccessRetrievalPolicy? coolAccessRetrievalPolicy = default, CoolAccessTieringPolicy? coolAccessTieringPolicy = default, string unixPermissions = null, int? cloneProgress = default, NetAppFileAccessLog? fileAccessLogs = default, NetAppAvsDataStore? avsDataStore = default, IEnumerable<ResourceIdentifier> dataStoreResourceId = null, bool? isDefaultQuotaEnabled = default, long? defaultUserQuotaInKiBs = default, long? defaultGroupQuotaInKiBs = default, long? maximumNumberOfFiles = default, string volumeGroupName = null, ResourceIdentifier capacityPoolResourceId = null, ResourceIdentifier proximityPlacementGroupId = null, string t2Network = null, string volumeSpecName = null, bool? isEncrypted = default, IEnumerable<NetAppVolumePlacementRule> placementRules = null, EnableNetAppSubvolume? enableSubvolumes = default, string provisionedAvailabilityZone = null, bool? isLargeVolume = default, ResourceIdentifier originatingResourceId = null);
.NET | |
.NET Core | |
.NET Framework | |
.NET Standard | 2.02.1 |
Information specific to xamarintvos | |
Assembly | Azure.ResourceManager.NetApp , Version=, PublicKeyToken=92742159e12e44c8 |
Referencing | Your project needs a package reference to |
Package | Azure.ResourceManager.NetApp (1.9.0) netstandard2.0 |
Platform Restrictions | This framework does not have platform annotations. |