namespace Azure.Analytics.Defender.Easm
public static class AnalyticsDefenderEasmModelFactory
public static PageAsset PageAsset(Uri url = null, string httpMethod = null, string service = null, IEnumerable<ObservedString> ipAddresses = null, IEnumerable<ObservedBoolean> successful = null, IEnumerable<ObservedInteger> httpResponseCodes = null, IEnumerable<ObservedString> httpResponseMessages = null, IEnumerable<ObservedLong> responseTimes = null, IEnumerable<ObservedBoolean> frames = null, IEnumerable<ObservedBoolean> windows = null, IEnumerable<ObservedBoolean> nonHtmlFrames = null, IEnumerable<ObservedBoolean> undirectedContent = null, IEnumerable<ObservedString> contentTypes = null, IEnumerable<ObservedLong> contentLengths = null, IEnumerable<ObservedString> windowNames = null, IEnumerable<ObservedString> charsets = null, IEnumerable<ObservedString> titles = null, IEnumerable<ObservedString> languages = null, IEnumerable<ObservedHeader> responseHeaders = null, IEnumerable<CookieDetails> cookies = null, IEnumerable<WebComponent> webComponents = null, IEnumerable<AttributeDetails> attributes = null, IEnumerable<AssetSecurityPolicy> assetSecurityPolicies = null, IEnumerable<ObservedIntegers> responseBodyMinhashSignatures = null, IEnumerable<ObservedIntegers> fullDomMinhashSignatures = null, IEnumerable<ObservedString> responseBodyHashSignatures = null, IEnumerable<ObservedString> errors = null, IEnumerable<SslCertAsset> sslCerts = null, IEnumerable<SourceDetails> sources = null, DateTimeOffset? firstSeen = default, DateTimeOffset? lastSeen = default, long? count = default, PageCause cause = null, string referrer = null, IEnumerable<ObservedString> redirectUrls = null, PageAssetRedirectType? redirectType = default, IEnumerable<ObservedString> finalUrls = null, IEnumerable<ObservedInteger> finalResponseCodes = null, IEnumerable<ObservedBoolean> parkedPage = null, IEnumerable<ResourceUri> resourceUrls = null, IEnumerable<GuidPair> guids = null, IEnumerable<ObservedString> finalIpAddresses = null, IEnumerable<ObservedLong> asns = null, IEnumerable<IpBlock> ipBlocks = null, IEnumerable<ObservedLong> finalAsns = null, IEnumerable<IpBlock> finalIpBlocks = null, IEnumerable<ObservedString> responseBodies = null, DomainAsset domainAsset = null, ObservedBoolean rootUrl = null, bool? isRootUrl = default, IEnumerable<ObservedLocation> location = null, IEnumerable<AssetService> services = null, string siteStatus = null, IEnumerable<ObservedString> cnames = null, IEnumerable<ObservedString> cdns = null, string host = null, string domain = null, IEnumerable<SslServerConfig> sslServerConfig = null, IEnumerable<AssetSecurityPolicy> gdprAssetSecurityPolicies = null, IEnumerable<ObservedBoolean> ipv4 = null, IEnumerable<ObservedBoolean> ipv6 = null);
.NET | |
.NET Core | |
.NET Framework | |
.NET Standard | 2.02.1 |
Information specific to net9.0 | |
Assembly | Azure.Analytics.Defender.Easm , Version=, PublicKeyToken=92742159e12e44c8 |
Referencing | Your project needs a package reference to |
Package | Azure.Analytics.Defender.Easm (1.0.0-beta.1) netstandard2.0 |
Preview | This API is contained in a prerelease package. |
Platform Restrictions | This API is supported on all platforms. |