namespace Azure.ResourceManager.AppService.Models
    public static class ArmAppServiceModelFactory
        public static SiteConfigData SiteConfigData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, int? numberOfWorkers = default, IEnumerable<string> defaultDocuments = null, string netFrameworkVersion = null, string phpVersion = null, string pythonVersion = null, string nodeVersion = null, string powerShellVersion = null, string linuxFxVersion = null, string windowsFxVersion = null, bool? isRequestTracingEnabled = default, DateTimeOffset? requestTracingExpirationOn = default, bool? isRemoteDebuggingEnabled = default, string remoteDebuggingVersion = null, bool? isHttpLoggingEnabled = default, bool? useManagedIdentityCreds = default, string acrUserManagedIdentityId = null, int? logsDirectorySizeLimit = default, bool? isDetailedErrorLoggingEnabled = default, string publishingUsername = null, IEnumerable<AppServiceNameValuePair> appSettings = null, IEnumerable<AppServiceNameValuePair> metadata = null, IEnumerable<ConnStringInfo> connectionStrings = null, SiteMachineKey machineKey = null, IEnumerable<HttpRequestHandlerMapping> handlerMappings = null, string documentRoot = null, ScmType? scmType = default, bool? use32BitWorkerProcess = default, bool? isWebSocketsEnabled = default, bool? isAlwaysOn = default, string javaVersion = null, string javaContainer = null, string javaContainerVersion = null, string appCommandLine = null, ManagedPipelineMode? managedPipelineMode = default, IEnumerable<VirtualApplication> virtualApplications = null, SiteLoadBalancing? loadBalancing = default, IEnumerable<RampUpRule> experimentsRampUpRules = null, SiteLimits limits = null, bool? isAutoHealEnabled = default, AutoHealRules autoHealRules = null, string tracingOptions = null, string vnetName = null, bool? isVnetRouteAllEnabled = default, int? vnetPrivatePortsCount = default, AppServiceCorsSettings cors = null, WebAppPushSettings push = null, Uri apiDefinitionUri = null, string apiManagementConfigId = null, string autoSwapSlotName = null, bool? isLocalMySqlEnabled = default, int? managedServiceIdentityId = default, int? xManagedServiceIdentityId = default, string keyVaultReferenceIdentity = null, IEnumerable<AppServiceIPSecurityRestriction> ipSecurityRestrictions = null, SiteDefaultAction? ipSecurityRestrictionsDefaultAction = default, IEnumerable<AppServiceIPSecurityRestriction> scmIPSecurityRestrictions = null, SiteDefaultAction? scmIPSecurityRestrictionsDefaultAction = default, bool? allowIPSecurityRestrictionsForScmToUseMain = default, bool? isHttp20Enabled = default, AppServiceSupportedTlsVersion? minTlsVersion = default, AppServiceTlsCipherSuite? minTlsCipherSuite = default, AppServiceSupportedTlsVersion? scmMinTlsVersion = default, AppServiceFtpsState? ftpsState = default, int? preWarmedInstanceCount = default, int? functionAppScaleLimit = default, int? elasticWebAppScaleLimit = default, string healthCheckPath = null, bool? isFunctionsRuntimeScaleMonitoringEnabled = default, string websiteTimeZone = null, int? minimumElasticInstanceCount = default, IDictionary<string, AppServiceStorageAccessInfo> azureStorageAccounts = null, string publicNetworkAccess = null, string kind = null);
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.NET Standard 2.02.1
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Azure.ResourceManager.AppService , Version=, PublicKeyToken=92742159e12e44c8


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