namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder
public static class StaticFilesEndpointRouteBuilderExtensions
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("Trimmer", "IL2026", Justification = "MapFallbackToFile RequireUnreferencedCode if the RequestDelegate has a Task<T> return type which is not the case.")]
public static IEndpointConventionBuilder! MapFallbackToFile(this IEndpointRouteBuilder! endpoints, [StringSyntax("Route")] string! pattern, string! filePath, StaticFileOptions! options);
} | 0.0 %
Reference this API |
.NET | |
.NET Core | 3.03.1 |
Information specific to net7.0 | |
Assembly | Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles , Version=, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60 |
Referencing | Requires any:
Platform Restrictions | This API is supported on all platforms. |