namespace Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models
public static class ArmContainerServiceModelFactory
public static ContainerServiceManagedClusterData ContainerServiceManagedClusterData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary<string, string> tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ManagedClusterSku sku = null, ExtendedLocation extendedLocation = null, ManagedClusterIdentity clusterIdentity = null, string provisioningState = null, ContainerServiceStateCode? powerStateCode = default, int? maxAgentPools = default, string kubernetesVersion = null, string currentKubernetesVersion = null, string dnsPrefix = null, string fqdnSubdomain = null, string fqdn = null, string privateFqdn = null, string azurePortalFqdn = null, IEnumerable<ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile> agentPoolProfiles = null, ContainerServiceLinuxProfile linuxProfile = null, ManagedClusterWindowsProfile windowsProfile = null, ManagedClusterServicePrincipalProfile servicePrincipalProfile = null, IDictionary<string, ManagedClusterAddonProfile> addonProfiles = null, ManagedClusterPodIdentityProfile podIdentityProfile = null, ManagedClusterOidcIssuerProfile oidcIssuerProfile = null, string nodeResourceGroup = null, bool? enableRbac = default, KubernetesSupportPlan? supportPlan = default, bool? enablePodSecurityPolicy = default, ContainerServiceNetworkProfile networkProfile = null, ManagedClusterAadProfile aadProfile = null, ManagedClusterAutoUpgradeProfile autoUpgradeProfile = null, UpgradeOverrideSettings upgradeOverrideSettings = null, ManagedClusterAutoScalerProfile autoScalerProfile = null, ManagedClusterApiServerAccessProfile apiServerAccessProfile = null, ResourceIdentifier diskEncryptionSetId = null, IDictionary<string, ContainerServiceUserAssignedIdentity> identityProfile = null, IEnumerable<ContainerServicePrivateLinkResourceData> privateLinkResources = null, bool? disableLocalAccounts = default, ManagedClusterHttpProxyConfig httpProxyConfig = null, ManagedClusterSecurityProfile securityProfile = null, ManagedClusterStorageProfile storageProfile = null, ContainerServicePublicNetworkAccess? publicNetworkAccess = default, ManagedClusterWorkloadAutoScalerProfile workloadAutoScalerProfile = null, ManagedClusterMonitorProfileMetrics azureMonitorMetrics = null, ServiceMeshProfile serviceMeshProfile = null, ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null);
.NET | |
.NET Core | |
.NET Framework | |
.NET Standard | 2.02.1 |
Information specific to xamarinios | |
Assembly | Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService , Version=, PublicKeyToken=92742159e12e44c8 |
Referencing | Your project needs a package reference to |
Package | Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService (1.2.2) netstandard2.0 |
Platform Restrictions | This framework does not have platform annotations. |