namespace Azure.ResourceManager.ServiceFabricManagedClusters.Models
public static class ArmServiceFabricManagedClustersModelFactory
public static ServiceFabricManagedClusterData ServiceFabricManagedClusterData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary<string, string> tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ServiceFabricManagedClustersSkuName? skuName = default, string dnsName = null, string fqdn = null, IPAddress ipv4Address = null, Guid? clusterId = default, ServiceFabricManagedClusterState? clusterState = default, IEnumerable<BinaryData> clusterCertificateThumbprints = null, int? clientConnectionPort = default, int? httpGatewayConnectionPort = default, string adminUserName = null, string adminPassword = null, IEnumerable<ManagedClusterLoadBalancingRule> loadBalancingRules = null, bool? isRdpAccessAllowed = default, IEnumerable<ServiceFabricManagedNetworkSecurityRule> networkSecurityRules = null, IEnumerable<ManagedClusterClientCertificate> clients = null, ManagedClusterAzureActiveDirectory azureActiveDirectory = null, IEnumerable<ClusterFabricSettingsSection> fabricSettings = null, ServiceFabricManagedResourceProvisioningState? provisioningState = default, string clusterCodeVersion = null, ManagedClusterUpgradeMode? clusterUpgradeMode = default, ManagedClusterUpgradeCadence? clusterUpgradeCadence = default, IEnumerable<ManagedClusterAddOnFeature> addOnFeatures = null, bool? isAutoOSUpgradeEnabled = default, bool? hasZoneResiliency = default, int? maxUnusedVersionsToKeep = default, bool? isIPv6Enabled = default, string subnetId = null, IEnumerable<ManagedClusterIPTag> ipTags = null, IPAddress ipv6Address = null, bool? isServicePublicIPEnabled = default, IEnumerable<ManagedClusterSubnet> auxiliarySubnets = null, IEnumerable<ManagedClusterServiceEndpoint> serviceEndpoints = null, ZonalUpdateMode? zonalUpdateMode = default, bool? useCustomVnet = default, ResourceIdentifier publicIPPrefixId = null, ResourceIdentifier publicIPv6PrefixId = null, ResourceIdentifier ddosProtectionPlanId = null, ManagedClusterUpgradePolicy upgradeDescription = null, int? httpGatewayTokenAuthConnectionPort = default, bool? isHttpGatewayExclusiveAuthModeEnabled = default, AutoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope? autoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope = default, int? allocatedOutboundPorts = default, ETag? etag = default);
.NET | |
.NET Core | |
.NET Framework | |
.NET Standard | 2.02.1 |
Information specific to xamarinwatchos | |
Assembly | Azure.ResourceManager.ServiceFabricManagedClusters , Version=, PublicKeyToken=92742159e12e44c8 |
Referencing | Your project needs a package reference to |
Package | Azure.ResourceManager.ServiceFabricManagedClusters (1.3.0-beta.2) netstandard2.0 |
Preview | This API is contained in a prerelease package. |
Platform Restrictions | This framework does not have platform annotations. |