namespace UIKit
[Protocol(Name = "UITableViewDelegate", WrapperType = typeof(UITableViewDelegateWrapper))]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "WillDisplay", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(UITableViewCell), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, Selector = "tableView:willDisplayCell:forRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "AccessoryButtonTapped", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, Selector = "tableView:accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "RowSelected", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, Selector = "tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "RowDeselected", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, Selector = "tableView:didDeselectRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "WillBeginEditing", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, Selector = "tableView:willBeginEditingRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "DidEndEditing", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, Selector = "tableView:didEndEditingRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "PerformAction", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false, false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(Selector), typeof(NSIndexPath), typeof(NSObject) }, Selector = "tableView:performAction:forRowAtIndexPath:withSender:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "WillDisplayHeaderView", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(UIView), typeof(nint) }, Selector = "tableView:willDisplayHeaderView:forSection:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "WillDisplayFooterView", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(UIView), typeof(nint) }, Selector = "tableView:willDisplayFooterView:forSection:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "CellDisplayingEnded", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(UITableViewCell), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, Selector = "tableView:didEndDisplayingCell:forRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "HeaderViewDisplayingEnded", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(UIView), typeof(nint) }, Selector = "tableView:didEndDisplayingHeaderView:forSection:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "FooterViewDisplayingEnded", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(UIView), typeof(nint) }, Selector = "tableView:didEndDisplayingFooterView:forSection:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "RowHighlighted", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, Selector = "tableView:didHighlightRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "RowUnhighlighted", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, Selector = "tableView:didUnhighlightRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "DidUpdateFocus", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(UITableViewFocusUpdateContext), typeof(UIFocusAnimationCoordinator) }, Selector = "tableView:didUpdateFocusInContext:withAnimationCoordinator:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "DidBeginMultipleSelectionInteraction", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, Selector = "tableView:didBeginMultipleSelectionInteractionAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "DidEndMultipleSelectionInteraction", ParameterByRef = new[] { false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView) }, Selector = "tableViewDidEndMultipleSelectionInteraction:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "WillPerformPreviewAction", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(UIContextMenuConfiguration), typeof(IUIContextMenuInteractionCommitAnimating) }, Selector = "tableView:willPerformPreviewActionForMenuWithConfiguration:animator:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "GetHeightForRow", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, ReturnType = typeof(nfloat), Selector = "tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "GetHeightForHeader", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(nint) }, ReturnType = typeof(nfloat), Selector = "tableView:heightForHeaderInSection:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "GetHeightForFooter", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(nint) }, ReturnType = typeof(nfloat), Selector = "tableView:heightForFooterInSection:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "GetViewForHeader", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(nint) }, ReturnType = typeof(UIView), Selector = "tableView:viewForHeaderInSection:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "GetViewForFooter", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(nint) }, ReturnType = typeof(UIView), Selector = "tableView:viewForFooterInSection:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "AccessoryForRow", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, ReturnType = typeof(UITableViewCellAccessory), Selector = "tableView:accessoryTypeForRowWithIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "WillSelectRow", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, ReturnType = typeof(NSIndexPath), Selector = "tableView:willSelectRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "WillDeselectRow", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, ReturnType = typeof(NSIndexPath), Selector = "tableView:willDeselectRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "EditingStyleForRow", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, ReturnType = typeof(UITableViewCellEditingStyle), Selector = "tableView:editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "TitleForDeleteConfirmation", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, ReturnType = typeof(string), Selector = "tableView:titleForDeleteConfirmationButtonForRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "ShouldIndentWhileEditing", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, ReturnType = typeof(bool), Selector = "tableView:shouldIndentWhileEditingRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "CustomizeMoveTarget", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, ReturnType = typeof(NSIndexPath), Selector = "tableView:targetIndexPathForMoveFromRowAtIndexPath:toProposedIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "IndentationLevel", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, ReturnType = typeof(nint), Selector = "tableView:indentationLevelForRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "ShouldShowMenu", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, ReturnType = typeof(bool), Selector = "tableView:shouldShowMenuForRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "CanPerformAction", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false, false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(Selector), typeof(NSIndexPath), typeof(NSObject) }, ReturnType = typeof(bool), Selector = "tableView:canPerformAction:forRowAtIndexPath:withSender:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "ShouldHighlightRow", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, ReturnType = typeof(bool), Selector = "tableView:shouldHighlightRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "EstimatedHeight", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, ReturnType = typeof(nfloat), Selector = "tableView:estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "EstimatedHeightForHeader", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(nint) }, ReturnType = typeof(nfloat), Selector = "tableView:estimatedHeightForHeaderInSection:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "EstimatedHeightForFooter", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(nint) }, ReturnType = typeof(nfloat), Selector = "tableView:estimatedHeightForFooterInSection:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "EditActionsForRow", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, ReturnType = typeof(UITableViewRowAction[]), Selector = "tableView:editActionsForRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "CanFocusRow", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, ReturnType = typeof(bool), Selector = "tableView:canFocusRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "ShouldUpdateFocus", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(UITableViewFocusUpdateContext) }, ReturnType = typeof(bool), Selector = "tableView:shouldUpdateFocusInContext:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "GetIndexPathForPreferredFocusedView", ParameterByRef = new[] { false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView) }, ReturnType = typeof(NSIndexPath), Selector = "indexPathForPreferredFocusedViewInTableView:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "GetLeadingSwipeActionsConfiguration", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, ReturnType = typeof(UISwipeActionsConfiguration), Selector = "tableView:leadingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "GetTrailingSwipeActionsConfiguration", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, ReturnType = typeof(UISwipeActionsConfiguration), Selector = "tableView:trailingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "ShouldSpringLoadRow", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath), typeof(IUISpringLoadedInteractionContext) }, ReturnType = typeof(bool), Selector = "tableView:shouldSpringLoadRowAtIndexPath:withContext:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "ShouldBeginMultipleSelectionInteraction", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath) }, ReturnType = typeof(bool), Selector = "tableView:shouldBeginMultipleSelectionInteractionAtIndexPath:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "GetContextMenuConfiguration", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(NSIndexPath), typeof(CGPoint) }, ReturnType = typeof(UIContextMenuConfiguration), Selector = "tableView:contextMenuConfigurationForRowAtIndexPath:point:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "GetPreviewForHighlightingContextMenu", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(UIContextMenuConfiguration) }, ReturnType = typeof(UITargetedPreview), Selector = "tableView:previewForHighlightingContextMenuWithConfiguration:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "GetPreviewForDismissingContextMenu", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(UITableView), typeof(UIContextMenuConfiguration) }, ReturnType = typeof(UITargetedPreview), Selector = "tableView:previewForDismissingContextMenuWithConfiguration:")]
public interface IUITableViewDelegate : INativeObject, IDisposable, IUIScrollViewDelegate
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Information specific to xamarinios | |
Assembly | Xamarin.iOS , Version=, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 |
Referencing | The API is automatically referenced. |
Platform Restrictions | This framework does not have platform annotations. |