namespace Microsoft.ML
public static class CustomMappingCatalog
public static StatefulCustomMappingEstimator<TSrc, TDst, TState> StatefulCustomMapping<TSrc, TDst, TState>(this TransformsCatalog catalog, Action<TSrc, TDst, TState> mapAction, Action<TState> stateInitAction, string contractName)
where TSrc, new(), class
where TDst, new(), class
where TState, new(), class;
.NET | |
.NET Core | |
.NET Framework | |
.NET Standard | 2.02.1 |
Information specific to net10.0 | |
Platforms | This API is only available when you target a specific platform: |
Windows | 7.0 |
Information specific to net10.0-windows7.0 | |
Assembly | Microsoft.ML.Transforms , Version=, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 |
Referencing | Your project needs a package reference to |
Package | Microsoft.ML (5.0.0-preview.1.25127.4) netstandard2.0 |
Platform Restrictions | This API is supported on all platforms. |