namespace Metal
[Introduced(PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
[Introduced(PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 11, PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
[Protocol(Name = "MTLTexture", WrapperType = typeof(MTLTextureWrapper))]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "CreateSharedTextureHandle", ReturnType = typeof(MTLSharedTextureHandle), Selector = "newSharedTextureHandle")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = true, IsStatic = false, Name = "GetBytes", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false, false, false, false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(IntPtr), typeof(nuint), typeof(nuint), typeof(MTLRegion), typeof(nuint), typeof(nuint) }, Selector = "getBytes:bytesPerRow:bytesPerImage:fromRegion:mipmapLevel:slice:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = true, IsStatic = false, Name = "GetBytes", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false, false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(IntPtr), typeof(nuint), typeof(MTLRegion), typeof(nuint) }, Selector = "getBytes:bytesPerRow:fromRegion:mipmapLevel:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = true, IsStatic = false, Name = "ReplaceRegion", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false, false, false, false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(MTLRegion), typeof(nuint), typeof(nuint), typeof(IntPtr), typeof(nuint), typeof(nuint) }, Selector = "replaceRegion:mipmapLevel:slice:withBytes:bytesPerRow:bytesPerImage:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = true, IsStatic = false, Name = "ReplaceRegion", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false, false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(MTLRegion), typeof(nuint), typeof(IntPtr), typeof(nuint) }, Selector = "replaceRegion:mipmapLevel:withBytes:bytesPerRow:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = true, IsStatic = false, Name = "CreateTextureView", ParameterByRef = new[] { false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(MTLPixelFormat) }, ReturnType = typeof(IMTLTexture), Selector = "newTextureViewWithPixelFormat:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "CreateTextureView", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false, false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(MTLPixelFormat), typeof(MTLTextureType), typeof(NSRange), typeof(NSRange) }, ReturnType = typeof(IMTLTexture), Selector = "newTextureViewWithPixelFormat:textureType:levels:slices:")]
[ProtocolMember(IsProperty = false, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "Create", ParameterByRef = new[] { false, false, false, false, false }, ParameterType = new[] { typeof(MTLPixelFormat), typeof(MTLTextureType), typeof(NSRange), typeof(NSRange), typeof(MTLTextureSwizzleChannels) }, ReturnType = typeof(IMTLTexture), Selector = "newTextureViewWithPixelFormat:textureType:levels:slices:swizzle:")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "rootResource", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = true, IsStatic = false, Name = "RootResource", PropertyType = typeof(IMTLResource), Selector = "rootResource")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "parentTexture", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "ParentTexture", PropertyType = typeof(IMTLTexture), Selector = "parentTexture")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "parentRelativeLevel", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "ParentRelativeLevel", PropertyType = typeof(nuint), Selector = "parentRelativeLevel")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "parentRelativeSlice", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "ParentRelativeSlice", PropertyType = typeof(nuint), Selector = "parentRelativeSlice")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "buffer", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "Buffer", PropertyType = typeof(IMTLBuffer), Selector = "buffer")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "bufferOffset", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "BufferOffset", PropertyType = typeof(nuint), Selector = "bufferOffset")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "bufferBytesPerRow", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "BufferBytesPerRow", PropertyType = typeof(nuint), Selector = "bufferBytesPerRow")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "textureType", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = true, IsStatic = false, Name = "TextureType", PropertyType = typeof(MTLTextureType), Selector = "textureType")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "pixelFormat", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = true, IsStatic = false, Name = "PixelFormat", PropertyType = typeof(MTLPixelFormat), Selector = "pixelFormat")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "width", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = true, IsStatic = false, Name = "Width", PropertyType = typeof(nuint), Selector = "width")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "height", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = true, IsStatic = false, Name = "Height", PropertyType = typeof(nuint), Selector = "height")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "depth", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = true, IsStatic = false, Name = "Depth", PropertyType = typeof(nuint), Selector = "depth")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "mipmapLevelCount", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = true, IsStatic = false, Name = "MipmapLevelCount", PropertyType = typeof(nuint), Selector = "mipmapLevelCount")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "sampleCount", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = true, IsStatic = false, Name = "SampleCount", PropertyType = typeof(nuint), Selector = "sampleCount")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "arrayLength", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = true, IsStatic = false, Name = "ArrayLength", PropertyType = typeof(nuint), Selector = "arrayLength")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "isFramebufferOnly", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = true, IsStatic = false, Name = "FramebufferOnly", PropertyType = typeof(bool), Selector = "framebufferOnly")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "allowGPUOptimizedContents", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "AllowGpuOptimizedContents", PropertyType = typeof(bool), Selector = "allowGPUOptimizedContents")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "usage", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "Usage", PropertyType = typeof(MTLTextureUsage), Selector = "usage")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "iosurface", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "IOSurface", PropertyType = typeof(IOSurface), Selector = "iosurface")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "iosurfacePlane", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "IOSurfacePlane", PropertyType = typeof(nuint), Selector = "iosurfacePlane")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "isShareable", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "Shareable", PropertyType = typeof(bool), Selector = "shareable")]
[ProtocolMember(ArgumentSemantic = ArgumentSemantic.None, GetterSelector = "swizzle", IsProperty = true, IsRequired = false, IsStatic = false, Name = "Swizzle", PropertyType = typeof(MTLTextureSwizzleChannels), Selector = "swizzle")]
public interface IMTLTexture : IMTLResource, INativeObject, IDisposable
[Preserve(Conditional = true)]
nuint SampleCount
.NET | |
Information specific to xamarintvos | |
Assembly | Xamarin.TVOS , Version=, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 |
Referencing | The API is automatically referenced. |
Platform Restrictions | This framework does not have platform annotations. |