namespace Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models
public static class ArmCosmosDBModelFactory
public static CosmosDBAccountPatch CosmosDBAccountPatch(IDictionary<string, string> tags = null, AzureLocation? location = default, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, ConsistencyPolicy consistencyPolicy = null, IEnumerable<CosmosDBAccountLocation> locations = null, IEnumerable<CosmosDBIPAddressOrRange> ipRules = null, bool? isVirtualNetworkFilterEnabled = default, bool? enableAutomaticFailover = default, IEnumerable<CosmosDBAccountCapability> capabilities = null, IEnumerable<CosmosDBVirtualNetworkRule> virtualNetworkRules = null, bool? enableMultipleWriteLocations = default, bool? enableCassandraConnector = default, ConnectorOffer? connectorOffer = default, bool? disableKeyBasedMetadataWriteAccess = default, Uri keyVaultKeyUri = null, string defaultIdentity = null, CosmosDBPublicNetworkAccess? publicNetworkAccess = default, bool? isFreeTierEnabled = default, CosmosDBServerVersion? apiServerVersion = default, bool? isAnalyticalStorageEnabled = default, AnalyticalStorageSchemaType? analyticalStorageSchemaType = default, CosmosDBAccountBackupPolicy backupPolicy = null, IEnumerable<CosmosDBAccountCorsPolicy> cors = null, NetworkAclBypass? networkAclBypass = default, IEnumerable<ResourceIdentifier> networkAclBypassResourceIds = null, bool? disableLocalAuth = default, int? capacityTotalThroughputLimit = default, DatabaseAccountKeysMetadata keysMetadata = null, bool? enablePartitionMerge = default, CosmosDBMinimalTlsVersion? minimalTlsVersion = default);
.NET | |
.NET Core | |
.NET Framework | |
.NET Standard | 2.02.1 |
Information specific to net48 | |
Assembly | Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB , Version=, PublicKeyToken=92742159e12e44c8 |
Referencing | Your project needs a package reference to |
Package | Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB (1.3.2) netstandard2.0 |
Platform Restrictions | This framework does not have platform annotations. |