namespace Azure.Health.Insights.RadiologyInsights
    public static class HealthInsightsRadiologyInsightsModelFactory
        public static FhirR4Observation FhirR4Observation(string id = null, FhirR4Meta meta = null, string implicitRules = null, string language = null, IDictionary<string, BinaryData> additionalProperties = null, FhirR4Narrative text = null, IEnumerable<FhirR4Resource> contained = null, IEnumerable<FhirR4Extension> extension = null, IEnumerable<FhirR4Extension> modifierExtension = null, IEnumerable<FhirR4Identifier> identifier = null, ObservationStatusCodeType status = default, IEnumerable<FhirR4CodeableConcept> category = null, FhirR4CodeableConcept code = null, FhirR4Reference subject = null, FhirR4Reference encounter = null, string effectiveDateTime = null, FhirR4Period effectivePeriod = null, string effectiveInstant = null, string issued = null, FhirR4Quantity valueQuantity = null, FhirR4CodeableConcept valueCodeableConcept = null, string valueString = null, bool? valueBoolean = default, int? valueInteger = default, FhirR4Range valueRange = null, FhirR4Ratio valueRatio = null, FhirR4SampledData valueSampledData = null, TimeSpan? valueTime = default, string valueDateTime = null, FhirR4Period valuePeriod = null, FhirR4CodeableConcept dataAbsentReason = null, IEnumerable<FhirR4CodeableConcept> interpretation = null, IEnumerable<FhirR4Annotation> note = null, FhirR4CodeableConcept bodySite = null, FhirR4CodeableConcept method = null, IEnumerable<FhirR4ObservationReferenceRange> referenceRange = null, IEnumerable<FhirR4Reference> hasMember = null, IEnumerable<FhirR4Reference> derivedFrom = null, IEnumerable<FhirR4ObservationComponent> component = null);
.NET Core
.NET Framework
.NET Standard 2.02.1
Information specific to net10.0
Platforms This API is only available when you target a specific platform:
Windows 7.0
Information specific to net10.0-windows7.0

Azure.Health.Insights.RadiologyInsights , Version=, PublicKeyToken=92742159e12e44c8


Your project needs a package reference to Azure.Health.Insights.RadiologyInsights.

Package Azure.Health.Insights.RadiologyInsights (1.0.0) netstandard2.0
Platform Restrictions

This API is supported on all platforms.

  • Built-in API
  • Package-provided API

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