namespace ReplayKit
    [Advice("Starting with tvos11.0 Use 'RPBroadcastSampleHandler' instead.")]
    [Register("RPBroadcastMP4ClipHandler", true)]
    public class RPBroadcastMP4ClipHandler : RPBroadcastHandler
        [Advice("Starting with tvos11.0.0 Use 'RPBroadcastSampleHandler' instead.")]
        [BindingImpl(BindingImplOptions.GeneratedCode | BindingImplOptions.Optimizable)]
        public virtual void ProcessMP4Clip(NSUrl? mp4ClipURL, NSDictionary<NSString!, NSObject!>? setupInfo, bool finished);
Assembly Microsoft.tvOS , Version=15.4.700.0, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065
Help Documentation
.NET 6.0-ios6.0-maccatalyst6.0-tvos7.0-ios7.0-maccatalyst7.0-tvos8.0-ios8.0-maccatalyst8.0-tvos9.0-ios9.0-maccatalyst9.0-tvos
OS Platforms

For the selected framework this API is only supported on the following OS platforms:

  • iOS 10 - 11
  • Mac Catalyst 10 - 11
  • macOS
  • tvOS 10 - 11
  • Built-in API
  • Package-provided API

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