namespace Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations.Internal
    public class MigrationsModelDiffer : IMigrationsModelDiffer
        protected virtual IEnumerable<MigrationOperation!>! DiffCollection<T>(IEnumerable<T>! sources, IEnumerable<T>! targets, DiffContext! diffContext, Func<T, T, DiffContext!, IEnumerable<MigrationOperation!>!>! diff, Func<T, DiffContext!, IEnumerable<MigrationOperation!>!>! add, Func<T, DiffContext!, IEnumerable<MigrationOperation!>!>! remove, params Func<T, T, DiffContext!, bool>![]! predicates)
            where T, notnull;
.NET Core 2.12.2
Information specific to net10.0
Platforms This API is only available when you target a specific platform:
Windows 7.0
Information specific to net10.0-windows7.0

Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational , Version=, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60


Your project needs a package reference to Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational.

Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational (9.0.3) net8.0
Platform Restrictions

This API is supported on all platforms.

  • Built-in API
  • Package-provided API

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